Ms Booth's Grade 4/5 Class
Welcome to our class website!
We had a great first week back. Please return our field trip notice by Thursday this week. Thanks to the parents who have volunteered to drive so far. We are starting our novel study on Monday. I have asked students to have their novels at school every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday's to complete work. All students should be reading about 10 pages from their book at home each night. Friday was our first day sending home a sample of our math work this week. I have put up two short videos on the parent page that can assist with supporting your child if you feel they are having trouble. The math needs to come back on Mondays and students may need reminders to have their materials at school on the days it is needed. We are working on the district Minecraft Challenge for the second term. Students may want to have their own devices on Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Jan. 20 Fraser River Discovery Centre
Feb. 12 Ice Skating
April 9 Surrey Museum
April 28 Nature Centre
May 7 Science World
In June we usually go to the pool/beach and Cloverdale Athletic Park but those dates will come in May.
Here is a great time management/organization link
If you have a message for me, please email [email protected]
Thank you and take care,
Darcie Booth
Reading: Responding to Literature, independent novel study, and read a loud.
Writing: Complex sentence structure and paragraph writing
Math: Multiplication
Science: Phases of the moon and First People's interconnectiveness to nature.
Socials: Settlement and Immigration
PE: Basketball
Health: Growth Mindset - Goal Setting
Digital Studies: Genius Hour, Minecraft Challenge
Please make sure your child has a rain coat each day and a change of pants and socks in their backpacks. Staying inside is not an option if the Principal has deemed it an outside day.
Internet safety
1. We don't use students full names when blogging. 2. We respect each others ideas and use positive language when blogging 3. This is a site for my students and their families only. 4. Pictures of students can not be shared unless permission has been given. |
Our class rules
1. Be Respectful 2. Be Safe 3. Always try your best at everything you do. |